/* PdVst v0.0.2 - VST - Pd bridging plugin ** Copyright (C) 2004 Joseph A. Sarlo ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/orsig ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** jsarlo@ucsd.edu */ #define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x410 #include #include #include #include "m_pd.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #include "pdvstTransfer.h" #define MAXARGS 1024 #define MAXSTRLEN 1024 #define TIMEUNITPERSEC (32.*441000.) #define kVstTransportChanged 1 #define kVstTransportPlaying 2 #define kVstTransportRecording 8 #ifdef VSTMIDIOUTENABLE EXTERN int midi_outhead; int _midi_outtail=0; // _midi_outtail defined locally typedef struct _midiqelem { double q_time; int q_portno; unsigned char q_onebyte; unsigned char q_byte1; unsigned char q_byte2; unsigned char q_byte3; } t_midiqelem; #ifndef MIDIQSIZE #define MIDIQSIZE 1024 #endif /*MIDIQSIZE */ EXTERN t_midiqelem midi_outqueue[MIDIQSIZE]; //EXTERN int msw_nmidiout; int msw_nmidiout=0; #endif // VSTMIDIOUTENABLE typedef struct _vstParameterReceiver { t_object x_obj; t_symbol *x_sym; }t_vstParameterReceiver; typedef struct _vstGuiNameReceiver { t_object x_obj; }t_vstGuiNameReceiver; t_vstGuiNameReceiver *vstGuiNameReceiver; typedef struct _vstChunkReceiver { t_object x_obj; }t_vstChunkReceiver; t_vstChunkReceiver *vstChunkReceiver; t_vstParameterReceiver *vstParameterReceivers[MAXPARAMETERS]; t_class *vstParameterReceiver_class; t_class *vstGuiNameReceiver_class; t_class *vstChunkReceiver_class; char *pdvstTransferMutexName, *pdvstTransferFileMapName, *vstProcEventName, *pdProcEventName; pdvstTransferData *pdvstData; HANDLE vstHostProcess, pdvstTransferMutex, pdvstTransferFileMap, vstProcEvent, pdProcEvent; pdvstTimeInfo timeInfo; int tokenizeCommandLineString(char *clString, char **tokens) { int i, charCount = 0; int tokCount= 0; int quoteOpen = 0; for (i = 0; i < (signed int)strlen(clString); i++) { if (clString[i] == '"') { quoteOpen = !quoteOpen; } else if (clString[i] == ' ' && !quoteOpen) { tokens[tokCount][charCount] = 0; tokCount++; charCount = 0; } else { tokens[tokCount][charCount] = clString[i]; charCount++; } } tokens[tokCount][charCount] = 0; tokCount++; return tokCount; } void parseArgs(int argc, char **argv) { int vstHostProcessId; while ((argc > 0) && (**argv == '-')) { if (strcmp(*argv, "-vsthostid") == 0) { vstHostProcessId = atoi(argv[1]); vstHostProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, vstHostProcessId); if (vstHostProcess == NULL) { exit(1); } argc -= 2; argv += 2; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-mutexname") == 0) { pdvstTransferMutexName = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-filemapname") == 0) { pdvstTransferFileMapName = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-vstproceventname") == 0) { vstProcEventName = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; } if (strcmp(*argv, "-pdproceventname") == 0) { pdProcEventName = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else { argc--; argv++; } } } int setPdvstGuiState(int state) { t_symbol *tempSym; tempSym = gensym("rvstopengui"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, (float)state); return 1; } else return 0; } int setPdvstPlugName(char* instanceName) { t_symbol *tempSym; tempSym = gensym("rvstplugname"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_symbol(tempSym->s_thing, gensym(instanceName)); return 1; } else return 0; } /*receive data chunk from host*/ int setPdvstChunk(const char *amsg) { t_symbol *tempSym; tempSym = gensym("rvstdata"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { size_t len = strlen(amsg); t_binbuf* bbuf = binbuf_new(); binbuf_text(bbuf, amsg, len); int msg, natom = binbuf_getnatom(bbuf); t_atom *at = binbuf_getvec(bbuf); for (msg = 0; msg < natom;) { int emsg; for (emsg = msg; emsg < natom && at[emsg].a_type != A_COMMA && at[emsg].a_type != A_SEMI; emsg++); if (emsg > msg) { int i; /* check for illegal atoms */ for (i = msg; i < emsg; i++) if (at[i].a_type == A_DOLLAR || at[i].a_type == A_DOLLSYM) { pd_error(NULL, "rvstdata: got dollar sign in message"); goto nodice; } if (at[msg].a_type == A_FLOAT) { if (emsg > msg + 1) pd_list(tempSym->s_thing, 0, emsg-msg, at + msg); else pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, at[msg].a_w.w_float); } else if (at[msg].a_type == A_SYMBOL) { pd_anything(tempSym->s_thing, at[msg].a_w.w_symbol, emsg-msg-1, at + msg + 1); } } nodice: msg = emsg + 1; } binbuf_free(bbuf); return 1; } else return 0; } int setPdvstFloatParameter(int index, float value) { t_symbol *tempSym; char string[1024]; sprintf(string, "rvstparameter%d", index); tempSym = gensym(string); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, value); return 1; } else { return 0; } } void sendPdVstFloatParameter(t_vstParameterReceiver *x, t_float floatValue) { int index; index = atoi(x->x_sym->s_name + strlen("svstParameter")); WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, INFINITE); pdvstData->vstParameters[index].type = FLOAT_TYPE; pdvstData->vstParameters[index].direction = PD_SEND; pdvstData->vstParameters[index].updated = 1; pdvstData->vstParameters[index].value.floatData = floatValue; ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); } /*send data chunk to host*/ void sendPdVstChunk(t_vstChunkReceiver *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { char *buf; int length; t_atom at; t_binbuf*bbuf = binbuf_new(); SETSYMBOL(&at, s); binbuf_add(bbuf, 1, &at); binbuf_add(bbuf, argc, argv); binbuf_gettext(bbuf, &buf, &length); binbuf_free(bbuf); WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, INFINITE); memset(&pdvstData->datachunk.value.stringData, '\0', MAXSTRINGSIZE); pdvstData->datachunk.type = STRING_TYPE; pdvstData->datachunk.direction = PD_SEND; pdvstData->datachunk.updated = 1; //strcpy(pdvstData->datachunk.value.stringData,buf); memcpy(pdvstData->datachunk.value.stringData, buf, length); ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); freebytes(buf, length+1); } void sendPdVstGuiName(t_vstGuiNameReceiver *x, t_symbol *symbolValue) { WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, INFINITE); pdvstData->guiName.type = STRING_TYPE; pdvstData->guiName.direction = PD_SEND; pdvstData->guiName.updated = 1; strcpy(pdvstData->guiName.value.stringData,symbolValue->s_name); ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); } void makePdvstParameterReceivers() { int i; char string[1024]; for (i = 0; i < MAXPARAMETERS; i++) { vstParameterReceivers[i] = (t_vstParameterReceiver *)pd_new(vstParameterReceiver_class); sprintf(string, "svstparameter%d", i); vstParameterReceivers[i]->x_sym = gensym(string); pd_bind(&vstParameterReceivers[i]->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym(string)); } } void makePdvstGuiNameReceiver() { vstGuiNameReceiver = (t_vstGuiNameReceiver *)pd_new(vstGuiNameReceiver_class); pd_bind(&vstGuiNameReceiver->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("guiName")); } void makevstChunkReceiver() { vstChunkReceiver = (t_vstChunkReceiver *)pd_new(vstChunkReceiver_class); pd_bind(&vstChunkReceiver->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("svstdata")); } void send_dacs(void) { int i, j, sampleCount, nChannels, blockSize; t_sample *soundin, *soundout; soundin = get_sys_soundin(); soundout = get_sys_soundout(); nChannels = pdvstData->nChannels; blockSize = pdvstData->blockSize; if (blockSize == *(get_sys_schedblocksize())) { sampleCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < nChannels; i++) { for (j = 0; j < blockSize; j++) { soundin[sampleCount] = pdvstData->samples[i][j]; pdvstData->samples[i][j] = soundout[sampleCount]; soundout[sampleCount] = 0; sampleCount++; } } } } void scheduler_tick( void) { //l sys_addhist(0); send_dacs(); //l sys_setmiditimediff(0, 1e-6 * *(get_sys_schedadvance())); //l sys_addhist(1); /// { JYG //sched_tick(*(get_sys_time()) + *(get_sys_time_per_dsp_tick())); sched_tick(); /// JYG } //l sys_addhist(2); sys_pollmidiqueue(); sys_pollgui(); //l sys_addhist(3); } /* int HFClock() { LARGE_INTEGER freq, now; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); return (int)((now.QuadPart * 1000) / freq.QuadPart); } */ int scheduler() { int i, blockTime, active = 1; DWORD vstHostProcessStatus = 0; vstParameterReceiver_class = class_new(gensym("vstParameterReceiver"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_vstParameterReceiver), 0, 0); class_addfloat(vstParameterReceiver_class, (t_method)sendPdVstFloatParameter); makePdvstParameterReceivers(); vstChunkReceiver_class = class_new(gensym("vstChunkReceiver"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_vstChunkReceiver), 0, 0); class_addanything(vstChunkReceiver_class,(t_method)sendPdVstChunk); makevstChunkReceiver(); vstGuiNameReceiver_class = class_new(gensym("vstGuiNameReceiver"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_vstGuiNameReceiver), 0, 0); class_addsymbol(vstGuiNameReceiver_class,(t_method)sendPdVstGuiName); makePdvstGuiNameReceiver(); *(get_sys_time_per_dsp_tick()) = (TIMEUNITPERSEC) * \ ((double)*(get_sys_schedblocksize())) / \ *(get_sys_dacsr()); //l sys_clearhist(); //if (*(get_sys_sleepgrain()) < 1000) // JYG if (*(get_sys_sleepgrain()) < 100) { *(get_sys_sleepgrain()) = *(get_sys_schedadvance()) / 4; } if (*(get_sys_sleepgrain()) < 100) { *(get_sys_sleepgrain()) = 100; } else if (*(get_sys_sleepgrain()) > 5000) { *(get_sys_sleepgrain()) = 5000; } sys_initmidiqueue(); #ifdef VSTMIDIOUTENABLE pdvstData->midiOutQueueSize=0; #endif // VSTMIDIOUTENABLE while (active) { WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, INFINITE); active = pdvstData->active; // check sample rate if (pdvstData->sampleRate != (int)sys_getsr()) { post("check samplerate"); sys_setchsr(pdvstData->nChannels, pdvstData->nChannels, pdvstData->sampleRate); } // check for vstParameter changed if (pdvstData->guiState.direction == PD_RECEIVE && \ pdvstData->guiState.updated) { if(setPdvstGuiState((int)pdvstData->guiState.value.floatData)) pdvstData->guiState.updated=0; } // JYG { check for vstplug instance name if (pdvstData->plugName.direction == PD_RECEIVE && \ pdvstData->plugName.updated) { if (setPdvstPlugName((char*)pdvstData->plugName.value.stringData)) pdvstData->plugName.updated=0; } // check for data chunk from file if (pdvstData->datachunk.direction == PD_RECEIVE && \ pdvstData->datachunk.updated) { if (setPdvstChunk((char*)pdvstData->datachunk.value.stringData)) pdvstData->datachunk.updated=0; } // check for vst program name changed if (pdvstData->prognumber2pd.direction == PD_RECEIVE && \ pdvstData->prognumber2pd.updated) { t_symbol *tempSym; tempSym = gensym("rvstprognumber"); if (tempSym->s_thing) pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, (t_float)pdvstData->prognumber2pd.value.floatData); pdvstData->prognumber2pd.updated=0; } // check for vst program number changed if (pdvstData->progname2pd.direction == PD_RECEIVE && \ pdvstData->progname2pd.updated) { t_symbol *tempSym; tempSym = gensym("rvstprogname"); if (tempSym->s_thing) pd_symbol(tempSym->s_thing, \ gensym(pdvstData->progname2pd.value.stringData)); pdvstData->progname2pd.updated=0; } if (pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated) { pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated=0; t_symbol *tempSym; if (timeInfo.flags!=pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.flags) { timeInfo.flags=pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.flags; tempSym = gensym("vstTimeInfo.flags"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, (float)timeInfo.flags); } else { timeInfo.flags=0; pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated=1; // keep flag as updated } } if ((timeInfo.flags&(kVstTransportChanged|kVstTransportPlaying|kVstTransportRecording))||(timeInfo.ppqPos!=(float)pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.ppqPos)) { timeInfo.ppqPos=(float)pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.ppqPos; tempSym = gensym("vstTimeInfo.ppqPos"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, timeInfo.ppqPos); } else { timeInfo.ppqPos=0.; pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated=1; // keep flag as updated } } if ((timeInfo.flags&kVstTransportChanged)|(timeInfo.tempo!=(float)pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.tempo)) { timeInfo.tempo=(float)pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.tempo; tempSym = gensym("vstTimeInfo.tempo"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, timeInfo.tempo); } else { timeInfo.tempo=0.; pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated=1; // keep flag as updated } } if ((timeInfo.flags&kVstTransportChanged)|timeInfo.timeSigNumerator!=pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.timeSigNumerator) { timeInfo.timeSigNumerator=pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.timeSigNumerator; tempSym = gensym("vstTimeInfo.timeSigNumerator"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, (float)timeInfo.timeSigNumerator); } else { timeInfo.timeSigNumerator=0; pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated=1; // keep flag as updated } } if ((timeInfo.flags&kVstTransportChanged)| timeInfo.timeSigDenominator!=pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.timeSigDenominator) { timeInfo.timeSigDenominator=pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.timeSigDenominator; tempSym = gensym("vstTimeInfo.timeSigDenominator"); if (tempSym->s_thing) { pd_float(tempSym->s_thing, (float)timeInfo.timeSigDenominator); } else { timeInfo.timeSigDenominator=0; pdvstData->hostTimeInfo.updated=1; // keep flag as updated } } } // JYG } for (i = 0; i < pdvstData->nParameters; i++) { if (pdvstData->vstParameters[i].direction == PD_RECEIVE && \ pdvstData->vstParameters[i].updated) { if (pdvstData->vstParameters[i].type == FLOAT_TYPE) { if (setPdvstFloatParameter(i, pdvstData->vstParameters[i].value.floatData)) { pdvstData->vstParameters[i].updated = 0; } } } } // check for new midi-in message (VSTi) if (pdvstData->midiQueueUpdated) { for (i = 0; i < pdvstData->midiQueueSize; i++) { if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == NOTE_ON) { inmidi_noteon(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte2); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == NOTE_OFF) { inmidi_noteon(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1, 0); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == CONTROLLER_CHANGE) { inmidi_controlchange(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte2); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == PROGRAM_CHANGE) { inmidi_programchange(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == PITCH_BEND) { int value = (((int)pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte2) * 16) + \ (int)pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1; inmidi_pitchbend(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, value); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == CHANNEL_PRESSURE) { inmidi_aftertouch(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == KEY_PRESSURE) { inmidi_polyaftertouch(0, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].channelNumber, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte1, pdvstData->midiQueue[i].dataByte2); } else if (pdvstData->midiQueue[i].messageType == OTHER) { // FIXME: what to do? } else { post("pdvstData->midiQueue error"); // FIXME: error? } } pdvstData->midiQueueSize = 0; pdvstData->midiQueueUpdated = 0; } /// flush vstmidi out messages here #ifdef VSTMIDIOUTENABLE if (msw_nmidiout==0) { int i=pdvstData->midiOutQueueSize; // si la midiOutQueue n'a pas été vidée, rajouter des éléments à la fin de celle-ci while (midi_outhead != _midi_outtail) { int statusType = midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte1 & 0xF0; int statusChannel = midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte1 & 0x0F; // faut il gérer midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_onebyte ? ///copie de la pile midi_outqueue dans la pile vst midiOutQueue pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].channelNumber= statusChannel; pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].statusByte = midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte1; pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].dataByte1= midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte2; pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].dataByte2= midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte3; if (statusType == 0x90) if (midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte3==0) // note off { pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = NOTE_OFF; pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].statusByte = statusChannel|0x80; // post("note_off[%d] : %d",i,midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte2); } else { // note on pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = NOTE_ON; //post("note_on[%d] : %d",i,midi_outqueue[_midi_outtail].q_byte2); } else if (statusType == 0xA0) // key pressure pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = KEY_PRESSURE; else if (statusType == 0xB0) // controller change pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = CONTROLLER_CHANGE; else if (statusType == 0xC0) // program change pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = PROGRAM_CHANGE; else if (statusType == 0xD0) // channel pressure pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = CHANNEL_PRESSURE; else if (statusType == 0xE0) // pitch bend pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = PITCH_BEND; else // something else pdvstData->midiOutQueue[i].messageType = OTHER; _midi_outtail = (_midi_outtail + 1 == MIDIQSIZE ? 0 : _midi_outtail + 1); i = i + 1; if (i>= MAXMIDIOUTQUEUESIZE) break; } if (i>0) { pdvstData->midiOutQueueSize=i; pdvstData->midiOutQueueUpdated=1; } else { pdvstData->midiOutQueueSize=0; pdvstData->midiOutQueueUpdated=0; } } #endif // VSTMIDIOUTENABLE // run at approx. real-time blockTime = (int)((float)(pdvstData->blockSize) / \ (float)pdvstData->sampleRate * 1000.0); if (blockTime < 1) { blockTime = 1; } if (pdvstData->syncToVst) { ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); if (WaitForSingleObject(vstProcEvent, 1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // we have probably lost sync by now (1 sec) WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100); pdvstData->syncToVst = 0; ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); } ResetEvent(vstProcEvent); scheduler_tick(); SetEvent(pdProcEvent); } else { ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); scheduler_tick(); Sleep(blockTime); } GetExitCodeProcess(vstHostProcess, &vstHostProcessStatus); if (vstHostProcessStatus != STILL_ACTIVE) { active = 0; } } return 1; } int pd_extern_sched(char *flags) { int i, argc; char *argv[MAXARGS]; //l sys_audioapi = API_NONE; t_audiosettings as; sys_get_audio_settings(&as); as.a_api = API_NONE; sys_set_audio_settings(&as); // for (i = 0; i < MAXARGS; i++) { argv[i] = (char *)malloc(MAXSTRLEN * sizeof(char)); } argc = tokenizeCommandLineString(flags, argv); parseArgs(argc, argv); pdvstTransferMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pdvstTransferMutexName); vstProcEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, 0, vstProcEventName); pdProcEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pdProcEventName); pdvstTransferFileMap = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pdvstTransferFileMapName); pdvstData = (pdvstTransferData *)MapViewOfFile(pdvstTransferFileMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof(pdvstTransferData)); WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, INFINITE); //l *(get_sys_schedadvance()) = *(get_sys_main_advance()) * 1000; //l post("Hello, appel sys_setchsr dans _main. Version 64"); sys_setchsr(pdvstData->nChannels, pdvstData->nChannels, pdvstData->sampleRate); ReleaseMutex(pdvstTransferMutex); //timeBeginPeriod(1); scheduler(); UnmapViewOfFile(pdvstData); CloseHandle(pdvstTransferFileMap); CloseHandle(pdvstTransferMutex); for (i = 0; i < MAXARGS; i++) { free(argv[i]); } return (0); }