2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
/* PdVst v0.0.2 - VST - Pd bridging plugin
* * Copyright ( C ) 2004 Joseph A . Sarlo
* *
* * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / orsig
* * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* * as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* * of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* *
* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* * GNU General Public License for more details .
* *
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* * along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* * Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
* *
* * jsarlo @ ucsd . edu
# define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x410
# include "pdvst.hpp"
# include <malloc.h>
# include <process.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <fstream>
# include <unistd.h>
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# define stat _stat
# endif
extern HINSTANCE hInstance ;
extern bool globalDebug ;
extern int globalNChannels ;
extern int globalNPrograms ;
extern int globalNParams ;
extern long globalPluginId ;
extern int globalNExternalLibs ;
extern char globalExternalLib [ MAXEXTERNS ] [ MAXSTRLEN ] ;
extern char globalVstParamName [ MAXPARAMETERS ] [ MAXSTRLEN ] ;
extern char globalPluginPath [ MAXFILENAMELEN ] ;
extern char globalVstPluginPath [ MAXFILENAMELEN ] ; // chemin d'acc<63> s dans le dossier vst contenant la dll)
extern char globalPluginName [ MAXSTRLEN ] ;
extern char globalPdFile [ MAXFILENAMELEN ] ;
extern char globalPureDataPath [ MAXFILENAMELEN ] ;
extern char globalHostPdvstPath [ MAXFILENAMELEN ] ;
extern bool globalCustomGui ;
extern int globalCustomGuiWidth ;
extern int globalCustomGuiHeight ;
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
extern bool globalProgramsAreChunks ;
2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
extern bool globalIsASynth ;
extern pdvstProgram globalProgram [ MAXPROGRAMS ] ;
int pdvst : : referenceCount = 0 ;
/* change '/' characters to the system's native file separator */
void sys_bashfilename ( const char * from , char * to )
char c ;
while ( ( c = * from + + ) )
# ifdef _WIN32
if ( c = = ' / ' ) c = ' \\ ' ;
# endif
* to + + = c ;
* to = 0 ;
/* change the system's native file separator to '/' characters */
void sys_unbashfilename ( const char * from , char * to )
char c ;
while ( ( c = * from + + ) )
# ifdef _WIN32
if ( c = = ' \\ ' ) c = ' / ' ;
# endif
* to + + = c ;
* to = 0 ;
bool fexists ( const char * filename )
std : : ifstream ifile ( filename ) ;
return ifile ;
AudioEffect * createEffectInstance ( audioMasterCallback audioMaster )
return new pdvst ( audioMaster ) ;
pdvst : : pdvst ( audioMasterCallback audioMaster )
: AudioEffectX ( audioMaster , globalNPrograms , globalNParams )
// set debug output
debugFile = fopen ( " pdvstdebug.txt " , " wt " ) ;
// debugFile = NULL;
// copy global data
isASynth = globalIsASynth ;
customGui = globalCustomGui ;
customGuiHeight = globalCustomGuiHeight ;
customGuiWidth = globalCustomGuiWidth ;
nChannels = globalNChannels ;
nPrograms = globalNPrograms ;
nParameters = globalNParams ;
pluginId = globalPluginId ;
nExternalLibs = globalNExternalLibs ;
debugLog ( " name: %s " , globalPluginName ) ;
debugLog ( " synth: %d " , globalIsASynth ) ;
// VST setup
setNumInputs ( nChannels ) ;
setNumOutputs ( nChannels ) ;
setUniqueID ( pluginId ) ;
setInitialDelay ( PDBLKSIZE * 2 ) ;
canProcessReplacing ( ) ;
if ( isASynth )
isSynth ( ) ;
int i , j ;
// initialize memory
vstParamName = new char * [ MAXPARAMETERS ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXPARAMETERS ; i + + )
vstParamName [ i ] = new char [ MAXSTRLEN ] ;
memset ( vstParam , 0 , MAXPARAMETERS * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
program = new pdvstProgram [ MAXPROGRAMS ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nExternalLibs ; i + + )
strcpy ( externalLib [ i ] , globalExternalLib [ i ] ) ;
debugLog ( " channels: %d " , nChannels ) ;
audioBuffer = new pdVstBuffer ( nChannels ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXPARAMETERS ; i + + )
strcpy ( vstParamName [ i ] , globalVstParamName [ i ] ) ;
strcpy ( pluginPath , globalPluginPath ) ;
strcpy ( vstPluginPath , globalVstPluginPath ) ;
strcpy ( pluginName , globalPluginName ) ;
strcpy ( pdFile , globalPdFile ) ;
debugLog ( " path: %s " , pluginPath ) ;
debugLog ( " nParameters = %d " , nParameters ) ;
debugLog ( " nPrograms = %d " , nPrograms ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nPrograms ; i + + )
strcpy ( program [ i ] . name , globalProgram [ i ] . name ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < nParameters ; j + + )
program [ i ] . paramValue [ j ] = globalProgram [ i ] . paramValue [ j ] ;
debugLog ( " %s " , program [ i ] . name ) ;
// create editor
if ( customGui )
editor = new pdvstEditor ( this ) ;
debugLog ( " -has custom GUI- " ) ;
guiNameUpdated = false ;
// initializing structures for midiout support
nbFramesWithoutMidiOutEvent = 0 ;
evnts = ( struct VstEvents * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct VstEvents ) +
MAXMIDIOUTQUEUESIZE * sizeof ( VstEvent * ) ) ;
//initialisation du tableau midiEvnts[MAXMIDIOUTQUEUESIZE];
for ( int k = 0 ; k < MAXMIDIOUTQUEUESIZE ; k + + )
// Constants to all midi messages we send (NoteOn and NoteOff)
midiEvnts [ k ] . type = kVstMidiType ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . byteSize = sizeof ( VstMidiEvent ) ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . deltaFrames = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . flags | = kVstMidiEventIsRealtime ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . detune = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . noteOffVelocity = ( char ) 0 ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . reserved1 = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . reserved2 = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . midiData [ 3 ] = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ k ] . noteOffset = 0 ;
evnts - > events [ k ] = ( VstEvent * ) & midiEvnts [ k ] ;
debugLog ( " startingPd... " ) ;
// start pd.exe
startPd ( ) ;
debugLog ( " done " ) ;
referenceCount + + ;
// {JYG see pdvst::setProgram below for explanation
timeFromStartup = GetTickCount ( ) ;
// JYG }
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
programsAreChunks ( globalProgramsAreChunks ) ;
2024-04-21 07:16:06 -03:00
sendPlugName ( globalPluginName ) ;
2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
pdvst : : ~ pdvst ( )
int i ;
referenceCount - - ;
pdvstData - > active = 0 ;
CloseHandle ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
UnmapViewOfFile ( pdvstTransferFileMap ) ;
CloseHandle ( pdvstTransferFileMap ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXPARAMETERS ; i + + )
delete vstParamName [ i ] ;
delete vstParamName ;
delete program ;
delete audioBuffer ;
if ( debugFile )
fclose ( debugFile ) ;
void pdvst : : debugLog ( char * fmt , . . . )
va_list ap ;
if ( debugFile )
va_start ( ap , fmt ) ;
vfprintf ( debugFile , fmt , ap ) ;
va_end ( ap ) ;
putc ( ' \n ' , debugFile ) ;
fflush ( debugFile ) ;
void pdvst : : startPd ( )
int i ;
char commandLineArgs [ MAXSTRLEN ] ,
debugString [ MAXSTRLEN ] , pathToCheck [ MAXSTRLEN ] ;
ZeroMemory ( & si , sizeof ( si ) ) ;
si . cb = sizeof ( si ) ;
ZeroMemory ( & pi , sizeof ( pi ) ) ;
sprintf ( pdvstTransferMutexName , " mutex%d%x " , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , this ) ;
sprintf ( pdvstTransferFileMapName , " filemap%d%x " , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , this ) ;
sprintf ( vstProcEventName , " vstprocevent%d%x " , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , this ) ;
sprintf ( pdProcEventName , " pdprocevent%d%x " , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , this ) ;
pdvstTransferMutex = CreateMutex ( NULL , 0 , pdvstTransferMutexName ) ;
vstProcEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL , TRUE , TRUE , vstProcEventName ) ;
pdProcEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL , TRUE , FALSE , pdProcEventName ) ;
pdvstTransferFileMap = CreateFileMapping ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ,
0 ,
sizeof ( pdvstTransferData ) ,
pdvstTransferFileMapName ) ;
pdvstData = ( pdvstTransferData * ) MapViewOfFile ( pdvstTransferFileMap ,
0 ,
0 ,
sizeof ( pdvstTransferData ) ) ;
pdvstData - > active = 1 ;
pdvstData - > blockSize = PDBLKSIZE ;
pdvstData - > nChannels = nChannels ;
pdvstData - > sampleRate = ( int ) getSampleRate ( ) ;
pdvstData - > nParameters = nParameters ;
pdvstData - > guiState . updated = 0 ;
pdvstData - > guiState . type = FLOAT_TYPE ;
pdvstData - > guiState . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAXPARAMETERS ; i + + )
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . updated = 0 ;
if ( globalDebug )
strcpy ( debugString , " " ) ;
strcpy ( debugString , " -nogui " ) ;
if ( strcmp ( globalPureDataPath , " " ) = = 0 ) // unspecified puredata path. Defaults to globalHostPdvstPath
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " %s \\ pd \\ bin \\ pd.exe " , globalHostPdvstPath ) ;
if ( access ( commandLineArgs , F_OK ) ! = - 1 ) // check if file exists
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " \" %s \\ pd \\ bin \\ pd.exe \" " , globalHostPdvstPath ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " %s.. \\ .pd \\ bin \\ pd.exe " , globalPluginPath ) ;
if ( access ( commandLineArgs , F_OK ) ! = - 1 ) // check if file exists
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " \" %s.. \\ .pd \\ bin \\ pd.exe \" " , globalPluginPath ) ;
sprintf ( errorMessage , " pd.exe program not found in \n 1: %spd \\ bin \\ \n 2: %s.. \\ .pd \\ bin \\ \n Check your settings in \n %s%s.pdv " ,
globalHostPdvstPath , globalPluginPath , globalPluginPath , globalPluginName ) ;
MessageBox ( NULL , errorMessage , " ERROR " , MB_OK ) ;
return ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " %s \\ bin \\ pd.exe " , globalPureDataPath ) ;
if ( access ( commandLineArgs , F_OK ) ! = - 1 ) // file exists
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " \" %s \\ bin \\ pd.exe \" " , globalPureDataPath ) ;
sprintf ( errorMessage , " pd.exe program not found. Check your settings in \n %s%s.pdv \n setup file. (search for the line PDPATH) " ,
globalPluginPath , globalPluginName ) ;
MessageBox ( NULL , errorMessage , " ERROR " , MB_OK ) ;
return ;
// if (!fexists(commandLineArgs))
// sprintf(commandLineArgs, "\"%s\\pd\\bin\\pd.exe\"", pluginPath);
// check validity of pd.exe path
struct stat statbuf ;
sys_bashfilename ( commandLineArgs , pathToCheck ) ;
if ( stat ( pathToCheck , & statbuf ) < 0 )
// if failed, use defaults
sprintf ( commandLineArgs , " \" %s \\ pd \\ bin \\ pd.exe \" " , pluginPath ) ; */
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s%s " ,
commandLineArgs ,
debugString ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -schedlib vstschedlib " ,
commandLineArgs ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -extraflags \" -vstproceventname %s -pdproceventname %s -vsthostid %d -mutexname %s -filemapname %s \" " ,
commandLineArgs ,
vstProcEventName ,
pdProcEventName ,
GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
pdvstTransferMutexName ,
pdvstTransferFileMapName ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -outchannels %d -inchannels %d " ,
commandLineArgs ,
nChannels ,
nChannels ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -r %d " ,
commandLineArgs ,
( int ) getSampleRate ( ) ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -open \" %s%s \" " ,
commandLineArgs ,
pluginPath ,
pdFile ) ;
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -path \" %s \" " ,
commandLineArgs ,
pluginPath ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nExternalLibs ; i + + )
sprintf ( commandLineArgs ,
" %s -lib %s " ,
commandLineArgs ,
externalLib [ i ] ) ;
debugLog ( " command line: %s " , commandLineArgs ) ;
suspend ( ) ;
CreateProcess ( NULL ,
commandLineArgs ,
0 ,
0 ,
& si ,
& pi ) ;
void pdvst : : sendGuiAction ( int action )
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ; // if (WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT)
pdvstData - > guiState . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > guiState . type = FLOAT_TYPE ;
pdvstData - > guiState . value . floatData = ( float ) action ;
pdvstData - > guiState . updated = 1 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
void pdvst : : sendPlugName ( char * pName ) // pour envoyer le nom du plugin <20> puredata
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ; //if (WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT)
pdvstData - > plugName . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > plugName . type = STRING_TYPE ;
strcpy ( pdvstData - > plugName . value . stringData , pName ) ;
pdvstData - > plugName . updated = 1 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
void pdvst : : setSyncToVst ( int value )
if ( WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
if ( pdvstData - > syncToVst ! = value )
pdvstData - > syncToVst = value ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
void pdvst : : suspend ( )
int i ;
setSyncToVst ( 0 ) ;
SetEvent ( vstProcEvent ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; i + + )
memset ( audioBuffer - > in [ i ] , 0 , audioBuffer - > size * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
memset ( audioBuffer - > out [ i ] , 0 , audioBuffer - > size * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
audioBuffer - > inFrameCount = audioBuffer - > outFrameCount = 0 ;
dspActive = false ;
setInitialDelay ( PDBLKSIZE * 2 ) ;
void pdvst : : resume ( )
int i ;
setSyncToVst ( 1 ) ;
SetEvent ( vstProcEvent ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; i + + )
memset ( audioBuffer - > in [ i ] , 0 , audioBuffer - > size * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
memset ( audioBuffer - > out [ i ] , 0 , audioBuffer - > size * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
audioBuffer - > inFrameCount = audioBuffer - > outFrameCount = 0 ;
dspActive = true ;
setInitialDelay ( PDBLKSIZE * 2 ) ;
if ( isASynth )
//wantEvents(); deprecated since VST 2.4
2024-04-25 04:58:24 -03:00
void pdvst : : sendProgChange ( VstInt32 prgm )
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ;
pdvstData - > prognumber2pd . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > prognumber2pd . type = FLOAT_TYPE ;
pdvstData - > prognumber2pd . value . floatData = ( float ) prgm ;
pdvstData - > prognumber2pd . updated = 1 ;
pdvstData - > progname2pd . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > progname2pd . type = STRING_TYPE ;
strcpy ( pdvstData - > progname2pd . value . stringData , program [ prgm ] . name ) ;
pdvstData - > progname2pd . updated = 1 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
void pdvst : : setProgram ( VstInt32 prgmNum )
debugLog ( " appel de setProgram %d " , prgmNum ) ;
int i ;
if ( prgmNum > = 0 & & prgmNum < nPrograms )
curProgram = prgmNum ;
2024-04-25 04:58:24 -03:00
sendProgChange ( prgmNum ) ;
2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
// {JYG to prevent host call of setProgram to override current param settings
// see https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=6391144
// sprintf(errorMessage,"GetTickCount=%d\ntimeFromStartup=%d",
// GetTickCount(),timeFromStartup);
//MessageBox(NULL, errorMessage,"setProgram",MB_OK);
if ( ( GetTickCount ( ) - timeFromStartup ) < 1000 )
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nParameters ; i + + )
setParameter ( i , program [ curProgram ] . paramValue [ i ] ) ;
// MessageBox(NULL,"setvalue","setProgram",MB_OK);
VstInt32 pdvst : : getProgram ( )
return curProgram ;
void pdvst : : setProgramName ( char * name )
strcpy ( program [ curProgram ] . name , name ) ;
void pdvst : : getProgramName ( char * name )
strcpy ( name , program [ curProgram ] . name ) ;
// {JYG see pdvst::setProgram below for explanation
timeFromStartup = GetTickCount ( ) ;
// JYG }
void pdvst : : setParameter ( VstInt32 index , float value )
if ( vstParam [ index ] ! = value )
vstParam [ index ] = value ;
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ; // if (WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT)
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ index ] . type = FLOAT_TYPE ;
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ index ] . value . floatData = value ;
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ index ] . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ index ] . updated = 1 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
float pdvst : : getParameter ( VstInt32 index )
if ( index > = 0 & & index < MAXPARAMETERS )
return vstParam [ index ] ;
return 0 ;
void pdvst : : getParameterName ( VstInt32 index , char * label )
if ( index > = 0 & & index < MAXPARAMETERS )
strcpy ( label , vstParamName [ index ] ) ;
void pdvst : : getParameterDisplay ( VstInt32 index , char * text )
if ( index > = 0 & & index < MAXPARAMETERS )
float2string ( vstParam [ index ] , text , 10 ) ;
void pdvst : : getParameterLabel ( VstInt32 index , char * label )
strcpy ( label , " " ) ;
/* if (index >= 0 && index < MAXPARAMETERS)
strcpy ( label , vstParamName [ index ] ) ; */
bool pdvst : : getEffectName ( char * name )
strcpy ( name , globalPluginName ) ;
return true ;
bool pdvst : : getOutputProperties ( VstInt32 index , VstPinProperties * properties )
if ( 1 ) //index < 2)
sprintf ( properties - > label , " pd-vst %1d " , index + 1 ) ;
properties - > flags = kVstPinIsActive ;
if ( ( index % 2 ) = = 0 )
properties - > flags | = kVstPinIsStereo ; // make channel 1+2 stereo
return true ;
return false ;
2024-04-19 04:28:23 -03:00
VstInt32 pdvst : : getChunk ( void * * data , bool isPreset )
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
VstInt32 len ;
//MessageBoxA(NULL, "getchunk call", "debug", MB_OK); // all host gets here
if ( * data )
2024-04-22 08:28:02 -03:00
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
//MessageBoxA(NULL, "getchunk if data", "debug", MB_OK); // not all hosts gets here
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ;
//strcpy ((char *)*data, pdvstData->datachunk.value.stringData);
* data = pdvstData - > datachunk . value . stringData ;
len = ( VstInt32 ) strlen ( pdvstData - > datachunk . value . stringData ) ;
//memcpy(*data, pdvstData->datachunk.value.stringData, (size_t)len+1);
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
return len + 1 ;
2024-04-22 08:28:02 -03:00
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
return 0 ;
2024-04-19 04:28:23 -03:00
VstInt32 pdvst : : setChunk ( void * data , VstInt32 byteSize , bool isPreset )
2024-04-25 04:58:24 -03:00
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
//MessageBoxA(NULL, "setchunk call", "debug", MB_OK);
if ( byteSize )
2024-04-21 07:16:06 -03:00
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
//MessageBoxA(NULL, "setchunk call if bytesize", "debug", MB_OK);
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ;
pdvstData - > datachunk . direction = PD_RECEIVE ;
pdvstData - > datachunk . type = STRING_TYPE ;
memset ( & pdvstData - > datachunk . value . stringData , ' \0 ' , MAXSTRINGSIZE ) ;
strncpy ( pdvstData - > datachunk . value . stringData , ( char * ) data , ( size_t ) byteSize ) ;
pdvstData - > datachunk . updated = 1 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
2024-04-21 07:16:06 -03:00
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
return 0 ;
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2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
VstInt32 pdvst : : canDo ( char * text )
//if (isASynth)
if ( 1 )
if ( ! strcmp ( text , " sendVstEvents " ) )
return 1 ;
if ( ! strcmp ( text , " sendVstMidiEvent " ) )
return 1 ;
if ( ! strcmp ( text , " receiveVstEvents " ) )
return 1 ;
if ( ! strcmp ( text , " receiveVstMidiEvent " ) )
return 1 ;
return - 1 ;
void pdvst : : process ( float * * input , float * * output , VstInt32 sampleFrames )
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ; //if (WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT)
if ( pdvstData - > midiOutQueueUpdated )
// Faire une loop pour parcourir la midiqueue et recopier
//dans la structure midiOutEvents
int midiOutQueueSize = pdvstData - > midiOutQueueSize ;
for ( int ka = 0 ; ka < midiOutQueueSize ; ka + + )
midiEvnts [ ka ] . midiData [ 0 ] = pdvstData - > midiOutQueue [ ka ] . statusByte ;
midiEvnts [ ka ] . midiData [ 1 ] = pdvstData - > midiOutQueue [ ka ] . dataByte1 ;
midiEvnts [ ka ] . midiData [ 2 ] = pdvstData - > midiOutQueue [ ka ] . dataByte2 ;
evnts - > numEvents = midiOutQueueSize ;
sendVstEventsToHost ( evnts ) ; /// TODO : rajouter un test de r<> ussite
pdvstData - > midiOutQueueUpdated = 0 ;
pdvstData - > midiOutQueueSize = 0 ;
evnts - > numEvents = 0 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
/* // Get play head information
VstTimeInfo * info = getTimeInfo (
kVstTempoValid |
kVstPpqPosValid |
kVstTransportPlaying |
kVstTransportChanged |
kVstTransportCycleActive |
kVstTransportRecording |
kVstAutomationWriting |
kVstAutomationReading |
0 ) ;
/* if(infos)
m_playing_list . setFloat ( 0 , m_playinfos . isPlaying ) ;
m_playing_list . setFloat ( 1 , m_playinfos . timeInSeconds ) ;
sendMessageAnything ( m_patch_tie , s_playing , m_playing_list ) ;
m_measure_list . setFloat ( 0 , m_playinfos . bpm ) ;
m_measure_list . setFloat ( 1 , m_playinfos . timeSigNumerator ) ;
m_measure_list . setFloat ( 2 , m_playinfos . timeSigDenominator ) ;
m_measure_list . setFloat ( 3 , m_playinfos . ppqPosition ) ;
m_measure_list . setFloat ( 4 , m_playinfos . ppqPositionOfLastBarStart ) ;
sendMessageAnything ( m_patch_tie , s_measure , m_measure_list ) ;
int i , j , k , l ;
int framesOut = 0 ;
if ( ! dspActive )
resume ( ) ;
setSyncToVst ( 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleFrames ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; j + + )
audioBuffer - > in [ j ] [ audioBuffer - > inFrameCount ] = input [ j ] [ i ] ;
( audioBuffer - > inFrameCount ) + + ;
// if enough samples to process then do it
if ( audioBuffer - > inFrameCount > = PDBLKSIZE )
audioBuffer - > inFrameCount = 0 ;
updatePdvstParameters ( ) ;
// wait for pd process event
// { JYG
//WaitForSingleObject(pdProcEvent, 10000);///int couldSync = WaitForSingleObject(pdProcEvent, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT;
WaitForSingleObject ( pdProcEvent , 10 ) ;
//WaitForSingleObject(pdProcEvent, 10000);
/// JYG: 10000 <20> tait une valeur trop <20> lev<65> e qui faisait planter ableton live 8.04, va savoir pourquoi
// JYG }
///if (couldSync)
ResetEvent ( pdProcEvent ) ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < PDBLKSIZE ; k + + )
for ( l = 0 ; l < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; l + + )
while ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > = audioBuffer - > size )
audioBuffer - > resize ( audioBuffer - > size * 2 ) ;
// get pd processed samples
///if (couldSync)
// get pd processed samples
audioBuffer - > out [ l ] [ audioBuffer - > outFrameCount ] = pdvstData - > samples [ l ] [ k ] ;
// put new samples in for processing
pdvstData - > samples [ l ] [ k ] = audioBuffer - > in [ l ] [ k ] ;
( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount ) + + ;
///if (couldSync)
pdvstData - > sampleRate = ( int ) getSampleRate ( ) ;
// signal vst process event
SetEvent ( vstProcEvent ) ;
// output pd processed samples
for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleFrames ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; j + + )
if ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > 0 )
output [ j ] [ i ] = audioBuffer - > out [ j ] [ i ] ;
output [ j ] [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > 0 )
audioBuffer - > outFrameCount - - ;
framesOut + + ;
// shift any remaining buffered out samples
if ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; i + + )
memmove ( & ( audioBuffer - > out [ i ] [ 0 ] ) ,
& ( audioBuffer - > out [ i ] [ framesOut ] ) ,
( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount ) * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
DWORD WINAPI NotifySyncError ( LPVOID lpParam ) {
MessageBoxA ( NULL , " Le processus PureData met du temps <20> r<> pondre " , " PdVST " , MB_OK ) ;
return 0 ;
void pdvst : : processReplacing ( float * * input , float * * output , VstInt32 sampleFrames )
if ( WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
if ( pdvstData - > midiOutQueueUpdated )
// Faire une loop pour parcourir la midiqueue et recopier
//dans la structure midiOutEvents
int midiOutQueueSize = pdvstData - > midiOutQueueSize ;
for ( int ka = 0 ; ka < midiOutQueueSize ; ka + + )
midiEvnts [ ka ] . midiData [ 0 ] = pdvstData - > midiOutQueue [ ka ] . statusByte ;
midiEvnts [ ka ] . midiData [ 1 ] = pdvstData - > midiOutQueue [ ka ] . dataByte1 ;
midiEvnts [ ka ] . midiData [ 2 ] = pdvstData - > midiOutQueue [ ka ] . dataByte2 ;
evnts - > numEvents = midiOutQueueSize ;
sendVstEventsToHost ( evnts ) ; // rajouter un test de r<> ussite
pdvstData - > midiOutQueueUpdated = 0 ;
pdvstData - > midiOutQueueSize = 0 ;
evnts - > numEvents = 0 ;
// Envoyer p<> riodiquement un sendVstEventsToHost(no_event) pour signifier
// <20> Ableton Live qu'on est bien vivant et qu'on envoie du midi
// (tous les 120 tours de buffer)
nbFramesWithoutMidiOutEvent + + ;
if ( nbFramesWithoutMidiOutEvent > 120 )
nbFramesWithoutMidiOutEvent = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ 0 ] . midiData [ 0 ] = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ 0 ] . midiData [ 1 ] = 0 ;
midiEvnts [ 0 ] . midiData [ 2 ] = 0 ;
evnts - > numEvents = 1 ;
sendVstEventsToHost ( evnts ) ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
// Get play head information
VstTimeInfo * infos = getTimeInfo (
kVstTempoValid |
kVstPpqPosValid |
kVstTransportPlaying |
kVstTransportChanged |
kVstTransportCycleActive |
kVstTransportRecording |
kVstAutomationWriting |
kVstAutomationReading |
0 ) ;
if ( infos )
if ( WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . updated = 1 ;
//copying vstTimeInfo into pdvst transfer data structure
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . samplePos = infos - > samplePos ; ///< current Position in audio samples (always valid)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . sampleRate = infos - > sampleRate ; ///< current Sample Rate in Herz (always valid)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . nanoSeconds = infos - > nanoSeconds ; ///< System Time in nanoseconds (10^-9 second)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . ppqPos = infos - > ppqPos ; ///< Musical Position, in Quarter Note (1.0 equals 1 Quarter Note)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . tempo = infos - > tempo ; ///< current Tempo in BPM (Beats Per Minute)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . barStartPos = infos - > barStartPos ; ///< last Bar Start Position, in Quarter Note
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . cycleStartPos = infos - > cycleStartPos ; ///< Cycle Start (left locator), in Quarter Note
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . cycleEndPos = infos - > cycleEndPos ; ///< Cycle End (right locator), in Quarter Note
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . timeSigNumerator = ( int ) infos - > timeSigNumerator ; ///< Time Signature Numerator (e.g. 3 for 3/4)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . timeSigDenominator = ( int ) infos - > timeSigDenominator ; ///< Time Signature Denominator (e.g. 4 for 3/4)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . smpteOffset = ( int ) infos - > smpteOffset ; ///< SMPTE offset (in SMPTE subframes (bits; 1/80 of a frame)). The current SMPTE position can be calculated using #samplePos, #sampleRate, and #smpteFrameRate.
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . smpteFrameRate = ( int ) infos - > smpteFrameRate ; ///< @see VstSmpteFrameRate
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . samplesToNextClock = ( int ) infos - > samplesToNextClock ; ///< MIDI Clock Resolution (24 Per Quarter Note), can be negative (nearest clock)
pdvstData - > hostTimeInfo . flags = ( int ) infos - > flags ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
int i , j , k , l ;
int framesOut = 0 ;
if ( ! dspActive )
resume ( ) ;
setSyncToVst ( 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleFrames ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; j + + )
audioBuffer - > in [ j ] [ audioBuffer - > inFrameCount ] = input [ j ] [ i ] ;
( audioBuffer - > inFrameCount ) + + ;
// if enough samples to process then do it
if ( audioBuffer - > inFrameCount > = PDBLKSIZE )
audioBuffer - > inFrameCount = 0 ;
updatePdvstParameters ( ) ;
// wait for pd process event
// { JYG
int gotPdProcEvent = ( WaitForSingleObject ( pdProcEvent , 10 ) = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) ;
// WaitForSingleObject(pdProcEvent,100);
//WaitForSingleObject(pdProcEvent, 10000);
// JYG: 10000 <20> tait une valeur trop <20> lev<65> e qui faisait planter ableton live
// JYG }
if ( gotPdProcEvent )
ResetEvent ( pdProcEvent ) ;
syncDefeatNumber = 0 ;
else if ( syncDefeatNumber = = 50 )
//afficher messageErreur
//CreateThread(NULL, 0, &NotifySyncError, NULL, 0, NULL);
syncDefeatNumber + + ;
syncDefeatNumber + + ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < PDBLKSIZE ; k + + )
for ( l = 0 ; l < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; l + + )
while ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > = audioBuffer - > size )
audioBuffer - > resize ( audioBuffer - > size * 2 ) ;
// get pd processed samples
if ( gotPdProcEvent )
// get pd processed samples
audioBuffer - > out [ l ] [ audioBuffer - > outFrameCount ] = pdvstData - > samples [ l ] [ k ] ;
// put new samples in for processing
pdvstData - > samples [ l ] [ k ] = audioBuffer - > in [ l ] [ k ] ;
( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount ) + + ;
pdvstData - > sampleRate = ( int ) getSampleRate ( ) ;
// signal vst process event
SetEvent ( vstProcEvent ) ;
// output pd processed samples
for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleFrames ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; j + + )
if ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > 0 )
output [ j ] [ i ] = audioBuffer - > out [ j ] [ i ] ;
output [ j ] [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > 0 )
audioBuffer - > outFrameCount - - ;
framesOut + + ;
// shift any remaining buffered out samples
if ( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < audioBuffer - > nChannels ; i + + )
memmove ( & ( audioBuffer - > out [ i ] [ 0 ] ) ,
& ( audioBuffer - > out [ i ] [ framesOut ] ) ,
( audioBuffer - > outFrameCount ) * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
VstInt32 pdvst : : processEvents ( VstEvents * ev )
VstMidiEvent * event ;
char * midiData ;
long statusType ;
long statusChannel ;
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ; /// if (WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// valeur d'attente courte (1000 au lieu de 10000 dans pdvst 0.2)
for ( long i = 0 ; i < ev - > numEvents ; i + + )
if ( ( ev - > events [ i ] ) - > type ! = kVstMidiType )
continue ;
event = ( VstMidiEvent * ) ev - > events [ i ] ;
midiData = event - > midiData ;
statusType = midiData [ 0 ] & 0xF0 ;
statusChannel = midiData [ 0 ] & 0x0F ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . statusByte = midiData [ 0 ] ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . dataByte1 = midiData [ 1 ] ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . dataByte2 = midiData [ 2 ] ;
if ( statusType = = 0x80 )
// note off
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = NOTE_OFF ;
else if ( statusType = = 0x90 )
// note on
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = NOTE_ON ;
else if ( statusType = = 0xA0 )
// key pressure
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = KEY_PRESSURE ;
else if ( statusType = = 0xB0 )
// controller change
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = CONTROLLER_CHANGE ;
else if ( statusType = = 0xC0 )
// program change
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = PROGRAM_CHANGE ;
else if ( statusType = = 0xD0 )
// channel pressure
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = CHANNEL_PRESSURE ;
else if ( statusType = = 0xE0 )
// pitch bend
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . channelNumber = statusChannel ;
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = PITCH_BEND ;
// something else
pdvstData - > midiQueue [ pdvstData - > midiQueueSize ] . messageType = OTHER ;
pdvstData - > midiQueueSize + + ;
event + + ;
pdvstData - > midiQueueUpdated = 1 ;
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
void pdvst : : updatePdvstParameters ( )
int i ;
WaitForSingleObject ( pdvstTransferMutex , 10 ) ;
// WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 10000);///if (WaitForSingleObject(pdvstTransferMutex, 100)!= WAIT_TIMEOUT)
for ( i = 0 ; i < pdvstData - > nParameters ; i + + )
if ( pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . direction = = PD_SEND & & \
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . updated )
if ( pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . type = = FLOAT_TYPE )
//beginEdit (i);
setParameterAutomated ( i ,
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . value . floatData ) ;
2021-10-28 05:14:31 -03:00
//l updateDisplay (); // I have commented this because it breaks sliders, numbox, etc. If this is on it jumps to max when first clicking on sliders, etc.
2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
pdvstData - > vstParameters [ i ] . updated = 0 ;
if ( pdvstData - > guiName . direction = = PD_SEND & & \
pdvstData - > guiName . updated )
if ( pdvstData - > guiName . type = = STRING_TYPE )
strcpy ( guiName , pdvstData - > guiName . value . stringData ) ;
pdvstData - > guiName . updated = 0 ;
// signal to vesteditor that guiname is updated
guiNameUpdated = true ;
2024-04-21 10:29:49 -03:00
2024-04-25 04:58:24 -03:00
2024-04-21 10:29:49 -03:00
// to data chunk
2024-04-25 04:58:24 -03:00
2024-04-21 10:29:49 -03:00
if ( pdvstData - > datachunk . direction = = PD_SEND & & \
pdvstData - > datachunk . updated )
2024-04-22 09:17:15 -03:00
if ( pdvstData - > datachunk . type = = STRING_TYPE )
2024-04-21 10:29:49 -03:00
pdvstData - > datachunk . updated = 0 ;
2021-10-28 00:46:36 -03:00
ReleaseMutex ( pdvstTransferMutex ) ;
pdVstBuffer : : pdVstBuffer ( int nChans )
int i ;
nChannels = nChans ;
in = ( float * * ) malloc ( nChannels * sizeof ( float * ) ) ;
out = ( float * * ) malloc ( nChannels * sizeof ( float * ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nChannels ; i + + )
in [ i ] = ( float * ) calloc ( DEFPDVSTBUFFERSIZE ,
sizeof ( float ) ) ;
out [ i ] = ( float * ) calloc ( DEFPDVSTBUFFERSIZE ,
sizeof ( float ) ) ;
pdVstBuffer : : ~ pdVstBuffer ( )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nChannels ; i + + )
free ( in [ i ] ) ;
free ( out [ i ] ) ;
void pdVstBuffer : : resize ( int newSize )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nChannels ; i + + )
in [ i ] = ( float * ) realloc ( in [ i ] , newSize * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
out [ i ] = ( float * ) realloc ( out [ i ] , newSize * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
size = newSize ;